Sunday, March 25, 2012

Haz | Alea | Sol | Ni | Ke

Hazel a dear old friend...My drill team bud, my middle school friend...Always had a thing with combining names and sounding so good.  I tried with the title of this blog post, I may have failed...If I rename it, it's probably because Hazel just thought of more unique one... 
Our family is tied in some way but through the years we have not seen each other...It was great to see her again and just talk.  Also meeting her husband Mike and along with the 3 kids...Of course her babies have unique names like no other...Nizel (oldest), Azaleah (middle rascal) and Solieze (baby rascal)...They are all sweet as can be, such a beautiful family! 

Kim | Tara and Little man DJ

It's crazy when I think, "just 2-3 years ago, I made their wedding invitations..."  They came back to me not for invitations this time but to photograph their beautiful family.  Finally meeting Kim & DJ was such a pleasure.

The tent was up and all it needed was a family...They sat DJ in there and immediately he smiled and was soo good (and this is right after a nappy nap in the car).  We had them running with a little playtime and had some cozy time in the tent.  I think we all had a great time.  Loved how he ran!! He would just run and just shift to the right, it reminded me of my daughter...

A plus for the day, DJ and Nikki became friends....

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Autism Walk Balboa | TEAM Brandon Leufroy

You may remember sometime last year I raised a bit of extra cash for a dear friend of mine, Georgianne.  Her son Brandon is autistic and she deals with struggles every day.  On March 24, 2012 there will be Autism Walk in Balboa Park, San Diego.  I'm trying to get the word out for her so she can raise awareness and funds for Brandon's class. 

Please read her message below:

Hi everyone,
Many of you know my 15 year old son Brandon has Autism. Each day brings new challenges for me to deal with, but luckily I have a great family and work family to help with my day. As a mom you feel helpless with this disability but this is just a little of what I can give my son to help, hopefully someday to find a cure. If you want to sign up for the walk or donate money, all money donated here will go to Brandon’s school. I will have a donation jar on my desk until march 23. Or, if you would like to donate online for Brandon, click on the link below and then click on General Team Donation.
Thank you all for your support 
Georgianne Ciavirella

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Elyse, Family & Friends...

It's always great to have returning clients...This time Elyse had gathered all her family and friends for a fun vacation up here in San Diego.  It was great to see her again with her little man Gavin, who is just has a inner model just wanting to come out!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Message to Mr. Jones

Daddy was deployed a couple months ago and was to return very soon. Plans changed though and his deployment has been extended. You can image how much these guys miss their main man. They wanted to send him a message and let him know that they love and miss him dearly!!!

How much kids change in just a couple of months.  These guys have grown taller, wiser and more beautiful!  I mean just look at the eyes on Ashton.  I'm sure their daddy misses them all soo much.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Project "Chimi" with Yoli & Hula!

Yoli and Hula met at a Karaoke Competition that he hosted back on August 1, 2010.  A week later he asked her out.  When you know you've met the person you're supposed to be with, you spend hours, like 4 hours, just chatting the night away on your first date.  In 2011, they married and now they are expecting their little "Chimi". 

When I first met these two, I've got to admit, I was a bit nervous.  That went away the moment I hugged them hello for the first time.  It was like I knew these two forever.  This weekend we did a session that was ALL GIRL in a little Minnie Mouse theme.  We had Minnie Mouse cake pops and cookies made by my friend Jen.  Yoli even brought her little Minni that she bought the day they found out they were having a girl.  We had a bit of fun with the box of balloons and letting them go...up, up, up into the sky!!!

I look at these and can't help but see the excitement and love they have for the little bundle.  "Chimi" will be showered with so much love from all her family and friends but most of all, mommy and daddy!

Stay tuned for the next installment of Project "Chimi"!!!  We will enjoy the ride with them!